April 15, 2010


The regular meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on April 15, 2010, in the City of Hayden, Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


Present:           Stefan Chatwin, Tom DePew, Gerry House, Richard Piazza


Absent:            Ron McIntire


Also Present:   Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Facility System Manager; Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering; Nancy Stricklin, City of Hayden- Attorney; Larry Comer, Welch Comer and Associates; Shirley Carter, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Chief Operator; Amber Hall, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Laboratory Manager


The meeting was called to order by Gerry House, Acting Chairman at 3:00 p.m. 


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Richard Piazza, to approve the agenda with the addition of #13 Idaho Department of Lands, Bureau of Land Management- Memo of Understanding, and Aerial Spraying of Poplar trees for Poplar Sawfly. The reason this item was not on the agenda was due to the difficulty in finding aerial applicators that were willing to spray for the poplar sawfly on our trees. The information at the time the agenda was made was not available and it cannot wait until next meeting due to the estimated time frame of when the spraying needs to occur (May 1- May 15). Motion Carried.


It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Richard Piazza to approve the minutes as written for the February 18, 2010 regular meeting.  Motion carried. 


Engineer’s Reports


J-U-B Engineering- Paul Klatt

J-U-B presented a master plan and Spokane River TMDL written update, see enclosed memo. 


The Washington Department of Ecology TMDL dispute resolution hearing full video of proceedings can be reviewed at:

Those who were able to attend in person were Paul Klatt, Nancy Stricklin, and Jeff Zaugg.  The most important sections of the 5 hour hearing to review are the Department of Ecology’s presentation, our presentation and the Question and Answer session at the end.  


Ken Windram also discussed the presentation that he did for the Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District regarding this issue, and offered that same presentation to the other entities.  


  Welch-Comer Engineering- Larry Comer

            Larry Comer gave an update that the City of Coeur d’Alene is still working with

            BNSF on the abandonment of the railroad line. 


            Ken Windram is still working with Roy Armstrong regarding the farm land easement.      


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Richard Piazza, to approve the March Financial Reports (Construction and O & M). Motion Carried. 


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Richard Piazza, to pay the presented bills, with replacement bills totaling $1424.72 for Chlorine Injector, Chlorine Scales, and Polymer Room Hot Water Heater. Motion Carried.


 Administrative Reports


Ken Windram gave his administrative report, which is attached hereto.

 Ken showed a picture of the new SCADA screen, as well as the area that we are looking at for the Sludge Storage Building.


Shirley Carter’s gave her report, see attached report.

Shirley wanted to thank the City of Hayden and their staff for the use of a dump truck, while ours was under repair.


Entity Reports


City of Hayden- no report


Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Gerry House mentioned LID #6; they are trying to sell the bonds towards the end of the month.


Kootenai County- Richard Piazza mentioned that they are updating leases as they come due.


SEP Fund


City of Hayden is still working on this.


Pretreatment Program Presentation


Ken Windram mentioned the new NPDES permitting, and that it will force Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board into pretreatment requirements.  Amber Hall spent a couple of days in Boise reviewing their existing program, and is going to work locally with Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls also.  Amber Hall presented a power point program on what the new permit is requiring for pretreatment; see the attached power point screens. 

Ken Windram talked about what needs to be done now.  The first step is to look at each entity’s pretreatment requirements and to make all of them the same.  The next step would be to determine who is to enforce the pretreatment requirements, each entity through HARSB, or by each entity giving HARSB authority.  Then we need to determine which sewer users are subject to the pretreatment programs, and which pollutants are of main concern. We will be looking at other pretreatment programs and developing HARSB’s pretreatment program from theirs. 


Anti Degradation Discussion


Ken Windram and Paul Klatt discussed the current legislation that is occurring regarding anti- degradation of water; see the sections in the J-U-B update and the administrator’s report regarding this issue. 


Paul Klatt discussed the Clean Water Act and how it impacts the anti-degradation legislation.  The legislature is taking comments now until September when they will develop the proposed rule.  This rule is coming forth due to EPA being sued for not enforcing the Clean Water Act in Idaho.

The Clean Water Act has Tier 1 thru Tier 3, and each tier has water quality standards as well as beneficial use standards, along with anti-back sliding regulations.  Anti-degradation is considered anything that changes the current concentration.  The Use Availability Analysis would have to be done on a parameter by parameter basis for every permit if this comes into place to let the public know and approve of all changes.  Idaho is proposing anti-degradation to be anything that causes a significant change to the current concentration, thus allowing only significant changes to be required to have UAA’s.


Discussion on Insurance Coverage for HARSB Staff


Stephanie Oliver presented the current health insurance quotes as received by Pat Smith Insurance, see the enclosed rate sheets.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Tom DePew, to keep the current Blue Cross of Idaho plan with the presented increase.  Motion Carried.     


Blue Cross Annual Meeting Information and Proxy Vote Determination


It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Tom DePew, to allow the Blue Cross of Idaho Board of Directors proxy our vote.


Idaho Department of Lands, Bureau of Land Management Memo of Understanding for Poplar Trees, Aerial Tree Spraying


Stephanie Oliver presented the memo of understanding, and discussed the requirements for the aerial tree spraying (May 1-15).  The memo of understanding was reviewed and approved by both Scott Reed and Nancy Stricklin.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Tom DePew, to approve the memo of understanding, and authorize the HARSB’s staff to get the three quotes, and to accept the lowest quote that meets the qualifications.  Motion Carried


Moved to adjourn meeting by Tom DePew, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, at 4:20 p.m... Motion carried. 





Ron McIntire, Chairman                                 Stephanie Oliver, Secretary