April 21, 2011
The regular meeting
of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on April 21, 2011, in the City
of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden,
Stefan Chatwin, Dan Green, Kenneth Sewell, David Weinstein
Ron McIntire
Also Present:
Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Facility System Manager;
Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Paul Klatt,
J-U-B Engineering; Larry Comer, Welch-Comer Engineering; Sean Hoisington,
City of Hayden- Public Works Director; Nancy Stricklin, City of Hayden-
Attorney; Shirley Carter, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Chief Operator
The meeting was called to
order by Kenneth Sewell, Chairman at 3:00 p.m.
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to add the following items to the
agenda: add change next meeting from
May 19th, add Executive Session 67-2345 (1) (f) - legal session, add
Approval of Pivot Communication. Due
to oversight the pivot communication item was planned to be on the agenda and
overlooked, information was put in the Board packets and missed on the agenda,
the other items need to be added due to not having a meeting prior to these
decisions needing to be made. Motion
It was moved by Dave
Weinstein, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, to approve the amended minutes as
written for the March 17, 2011 regular meeting, and April 12, 2011special
meeting. Motion carried.
Engineer’s Reports
Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering discussed the Facility Master Plan and that a
draft review should be ready in May.
He discussed a handout on the possible design build out that will be presented
in the Facility Master Plan, see enclosed handout.
The possibility of a solar drying operation is not displayed on this
handout. We would need cooperation
on the northern property border from the Kootenai County Airport since we will
be pushing close to that border.
Larry Comer, Welch-Comer
Engineering had no new information to update the Board on regarding the outfall
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to approve the March Financial Reports
(Construction and O & M). Motion carried.
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to pay the presented bills.
Motion carried.
Administrative Reports
Ken Windram gave his
Administrative report, which is attached hereto.
discussed the BAP/Alternate limits meeting, see information in presented report.
Spokane River Stewardship Partners will be holding a meeting tomorrow, and will
see where the City of Spokane stands on the alternate limits.
Antidegradation, under the current proposed rules Spokane River would be
considered Tier 1 water for nutrients.
staff evaluated all of the lift stations and decided that H-1, Woodland Meadows
and Country Club lift stations might be candidates for permanent placement of a
vactor suction pipe in the wet well (like Strawberry Fields lift station).
Shirley Carter gave her
Chief Operator report, see attached report.
Entity Reports
City of Hayden- Sean Hoisington informed the Board that the Vactor was working
great. Tuesday night the City of
Hayden Council meeting will discuss H-1 concept, so that it can move forward.
Leisure Park will be a smaller project with an upgrade to system controls
instead of upgrading hard infrastructure.
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (HLRWSD) – no report
Kootenai County-Dan Green told the Board that the Airport is currently having
their master plan updated.
SEP Fund
City of Hayden is still
working on this.
Approval Pickup Truck Purchase
Ken presented the Idaho
State purchase order prices for Ford and Chevy, see enclosed information.
We will check local dealers first, and if they cannot meet or beat the
price we will proceed with those presented on the Idaho State Purchasing List.
It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, to purchase a
vehicle for HARSB for not more than $25,000.00.
Motion carried.
Approval Legal Services Agreement- Mason &
Stricklin, LLP
Stefan Chatwin recluses
himself from this discussion, due to Mason & Stricklin provide legal services
for the City of Hayden. It was moved
by Dave Weinstein, and seconded by Dan Green, to have Mason & Stricklin
represent the HARSB Board on certain legal services.
Motion carried with one abstention.
Update on Blue Cross of Idaho Insurance
Renewal/Appointment of Blue Cross Voter Designation or Proxy Vote.
Stephanie Oliver informed
the Board that our renewal rate came in at the budgeted amount of 10%, we did
ask for a rate reduction and we have not heard back on this yet.
It was moved by Dan Green, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, that we give
the Board of Directors of Idaho our proxy.
Motion Carried.
Approval Flow Meter PVC Conduit
Ken Windram presented the
costs to purchase the PVC Conduit for the meters, see enclosed proposal.
It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to
approve the purchase of the PVC conduit for the reuse farm flow meter. Motion
Approval Wonderware Historian Computer Package
Ken Windram presented the
costs to purchase the Wonderware Historian package for the SCADA system.
It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to
purchase the Wonderware Historian.
Motion carried.
Approval for Vactor Sign
Ken asked for approval of the new vactor
truck sign, see the enclosed sign.
It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, to approve the
purchase of the vactor truck sign.
Motion carried.
Approval for Chlorine System Replacement
Ken discussed that we need to replace the
chlorine system to provide better control, lower maintenance costs and to
provide safer and easier operation.
It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, to purchase the
replacement chlorine system. Motion
Approval Proposal/Bids for South Acreage
Irrigation Pipeline Construction
Ken presented the bids that
were received on the south acreage irrigation pipeline construction.
This is a replacement irrigation pipeline.
Since the closing dates, the piping supplier called and said that they
are under force demur that they are disallowing any price quotes.
The bids will need to be rejected if they cannot meet the pricing, and
the bids will need to be redone.
Approval to sign IDWARN Contract Update
Stephanie discussed the
IDWARN contract that we have already signed, and that this is an updated
contract. It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, the HARSB sign the updated agreement.
Motion carried.
Meeting Change from May 19th, 2011
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to move the May regular meeting to May
26, 2011. Motion carried.
Kenneth Sewell asked Dan Green to be the Acting Chairman for this meeting
since he will not be present.
Approval of Pivot Communications
Ken requested approval to
replace the broken communication system between the pivots and the booster pump
station. It was moved by Dave
Weinstein, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, that we approve the purchase.
Motion carried.
The Board discussed going to
consent agenda, and decided to start this type of agenda with the next meeting.
Executive Session 67-2345 1(f)
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, to recess and go into executive session per
Idaho Code 67-2345, subsection (1) (f) to consider and advise its legal
representatives in pending litigation or where there is a general public
awareness of probable litigation.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden - Stefan Chatwin- Yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Dave Weinstein-Yes
Kootenai County Airport – Dan Green-Yes
Motion carried.
Board recessed at 4:35 p.m…
Moved to adjourn meeting by
Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, at 5:08.m... Motion carried.
Kenneth Sewell, Chairman
Stephanie Oliver, Secretary