April 9, 2014


The Special Meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on April 9, 2014, in the City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.

The meeting was called to order by Todd Walker, Chairman at 4:15 p.m... 


Roll Call was then taken:

City of Hayden- Stefan Chatwin-present

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker-present

            Kootenai County- Dan Green- present

There were no additions or corrections to the printed agenda.


Approval of Administration Building Surplus Purchasing Bid (bid opening 4-7-2014 2 pm)

Todd Walker recused himself from this order of business, due to his son being a bidder on the Administration Building.  Dan Green then proceeded to review the information presented from the bid opening, see enclosed form.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, to accept the highest bidder for the Administration Building- Hayden Walker for $15,021.00.

Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden- Stefan Chatwin - yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker -abstain

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes

Motion Carried.


Approval of Coverall Building Purchase

Ken Windram informed the Board that the Coverall Building Purchase is not ready to present yet.


Report on BNR Bid opening from 2 pm today at HARSB

Ken Windram and Paul Klatt discussed the Biological Nutrient Removal Bid Opening held at the HARSB Administration Office today at 2 pm, see enclosed sheet.  Ken Windram showed a PowerPoint of the Base Bids and alternatives, see enclosed PowerPoint display.  TML Construction, Inc.  appears to be the low bid for the project.  Discussion occurred with the Board regarding how the alternatives where picked and that they were in priority order.  Paul Klatt informed the Board that they would be reviewing the information and would present a recommendation to the Board for the April 17, 2014 Board Meeting.  At this time, the parties feel that this is an awardable bid; they just need to review the costs and determine the amount of additive alternatives to proceed with.


The Board then learned that once they indicated which direction they want to move forward with, the entities and Idaho Department of Environmental Quality would then need to give the go ahead, prior to the HARSB Board awarding the project.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m... Motion carried. 




Todd Walker, Chairman                                                         Stephanie Oliver, Secretary