Sewer Capitalization Increase Public Hearing


December 3, 2012


The Special Meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on December 3, 2012, in the City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


Present:           Stefan Chatwin, Dan Green, Ron McIntire, Kenneth Sewell, David Weinstein        




Also Present:   Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Administrator; Stephanie
Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering; Nancy Stricklin, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Attorney; Sean Hoisington, City of Hayden- Public Works Director


The meeting was called to order by Ron McIntire, Chairman at 3:00 p.m. 


There were no additions or corrections to the posted agenda. 


Public Hearing for Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board Sewer Capitalization Fee Increase


Ron McIntire informed the attendees that we need everyone to fill out a Public Hearing Comment Form and turn it into the secretary prior to speaking.  This meeting is being recorded and all comments need to be made from the microphone so that they can be properly recorded.


Ken Windram presented the information on the Sewer Capitalization fee increase, see enclosed Power Point Slide.  Ken discussed how the numbers were figured to arrive at the maximum total cap fee of $8,411.00.  This would be a $ 1,896.00 increase from the current capitalization (cap) fee of $6515.00.


Paul Klatt and Stefan Chatwin arrived at 3:06 p.m.


Discussion occurred on what this fee represents, versus the replacement and regulation permit fee requirements. 


Discussion occurred regarding on whether this cap fee would keep increasing or if it could possibly decrease in the future.  It was noted that a decrease in the future as the system builds out is a possibility.  Paul Klatt and Nancy Stricklin reminded everyone that FCS Financial Group recommends a yearly review of the cap fee to keep this fee updated and current.


No public comment was presented.


Public Hearing Closed at 3:10 pm


It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Kenneth Sewell to increase the sewer capitalization fee from $6,515.00 to $ 8,411.00.



Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden – Ron McIntire- Yes

Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell-Yes

Kootenai County– Dan Green-Yes

Motion carried.


Nancy Stricklin informed the Board that since this is a major decision, it needs to have a majority of the Entity Boards to approve of this as well.  Each Entity needs to be presented with this decision, and then they must return a written response back to HARSB’s as to their decision.


Paul Klatt discussed the environmental impact process, and that we received a letter from the Idaho State Historical office saying that we needed to have an archeological site visit and report done.  The environmental impact study is required if we wish to have State funding.  It was moved by Kenneth Sewell, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin to approve the additional services for the J-U-B Facility Plan to include a required archeological study for the environmental impact study.


Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden – Stefan Chatwin- Yes

Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell-Yes

Kootenai County– Dan Green-Yes

 Motion carried.


Ken Windram brought to the Board's attention that we need to have an effective date for the capitalization fee increase.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, to have the sewer capitalization fee increase take place on January 1, 2012.


Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden – Stefan Chatwin- Yes

Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell-Yes

Kootenai County– Dan Green-Yes

Motion carried.



Moved to adjourn meeting by Kenneth Sewell, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, at 3:15 p.m... Motion carried. 




Ron McIntire Chairman                                              Stephanie Oliver, Secretary