December 19, 2013
The Regular Meeting
of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on December 19, 2013, in the
City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.
The meeting was called to
order by Dan Green, Chairman at 3:04 p.m...
Roll Call was then taken:
City of Hayden- Ron McIntire-present
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker-present
Kootenai County- Dan Green- present
There were no additions or
corrections to the printed agenda.
Presentation and Approval of Magnuson, McHugh and
Company, PA Financial Audit Report
Kacie Tollefson presented
the September 30, 2013 Financial Audit Report and walked the Board through the
report, see financial report and accompanied letter.
We received an unqualified opinion, which is the best audit opinion that
you can receive. It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to approve the presented financial audit.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden- Ron McIntire - yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Kacie Tollefson left at 3:12
Consent Calendar
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to adopt the Consent Calendar as
presented: Approval of November 21, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes; November 14,
2013 Joint Powers Workshop Meeting Minutes; Approval of November General and
Construction Financial Reports; Approval of the Bills: General, Construction,
and Replacement.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden- Ron McIntire - yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker -yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Engineer’s Reports
Paul Klatt, J-U-B
Engineering, discussed the Toxic Task Force Workshop meetings he attended, see
presented notes. Paul talked about
the Water Quality Standards for the Washington Fish Consumption Technology
Review, see enclosed fact sheet. Two of
the main issues are that, the limits and the ability of the Waste Water
Treatment Plant facilities to do lab grade testing, and then that the standards
are not possible even with the most advanced water treatment technologies.
Paul Klatt then discussed
the facility design meeting held with the preselected general contractors, and
electrical subcontractors on the HARSB 95% facility review plan yesterday.
We are expecting the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality review and
submit their notes back to us on this plan around the first of the year.
We are still looking at a spring bid, with hopefully a final set of
drawings in January.
Administrative Reports
Ken Windram gave his
Administrative report, which is attached hereto.
Windram discussed the PCB standards, and the inadvertent PCB’s that the EPA does
not want to address. We are looking
at trying to make the EPA address the inadvertent PCB issue and change the TSCA,
which has not been updated since the 1970’s.
A Conference Call is being set up January 15, 2014 by Doug Crapas at
Inland Paper to discuss and update all parties on the PCB issue and to help put
political pressure on the EPA. Ken
Windram will then send out via email more information on this telephone
Windram reported that the NPDES Draft Permit comments are being reviewed and the
permit is still months out.
Windram discussed the Upgrade schedule, and that the Special Use Permit from the
City of Hayden could at this point start affecting the BNR Project Schedule.
Entity Reports
City of Hayden – no report
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (HLRWSD) – no report
Kootenai County – Kootenai County Airport just finished with a sewer study, and
are working on raising rates to cover the cost of the sewer.
Kootenai County Commissioners and the Airport are also looking at
possibly contracting with HARSB for the sewer maintenance.
SEP Fund
Ken Windram reported no
change at this time.
Approval of Panhandle Area Council (PAC) Davis
Bacon Wage Contract for Phase I Construction Project.
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to accept the contract submitted by the
Panhandle Area Council for the David Bacon Wage Monitoring.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden- Ron McIntire - yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Acceptance of Letter of Practice Termination
Mason & Stricklin, LLP
Nancy Stricklin discussed
that Mason & Stricklin will be terminating on December 31, 2013 and will become
counsel with the firm Hawley Troxell Ennis and Hawley, LLP, and slowly phasing
out into retirement.
Approval for Hawley Troxell Engagement for
General Legal Services
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to approve the engagement for General
Legal Services with Hawley Troxell Ennis and Hawley, LLP.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden- - Ron McIntire - yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Approval for Administrator Contract
Ken Windram discussed his activities and accomplishments in the last 5 years,
see enclosed sheet. Nancy Stricklin
then addressed the changes made from last month; see the benefits section 6, and
the term of the contract. Change in
contract Section 1 “more than” 40 hours – change to “at least” and in section 2
“employment” last line page 1—change to “employed”. Section 6 Compensation A.-
“All adjustments to said salary beyond that date will the same adjustment
provided to all employees of HARSB, subject
to the performance, unless
otherwise negotiated. “ change to “Any adjustments to said salary beyond that
date will be subject to the
It was moved by Todd Walker,
and seconded by Ron McIntire, to approve the presented Administrator Contract,
and was then amended to include the change to Section 6.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden- - Ron McIntire - yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Approval of PW Tech Contract
Ken Windram presented the PW
Tech Purchase Order and Contract, and Stephanie Oliver informed the Board that
no comments were given regarding the sole source advertisement.
It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker; to give Ken
Windram approval to sign the purchase order and contract for PW Tech for
$242,000.00 once final attorney approval is given.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden- - Ron McIntire - yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Approval for J-U-B Contract to Increase Funds for
Special Use Permit Assistance
Paul Klatt discussed that
the effort going through this process has been more involved than was initially
thought, see enclosed authorization of additional services.
Paul Klatt asked to raise the contract to $16,500.00, and a portion of
this work has already been done prior to the last planning and zoning meeting.
The Board determined that the Administrator will appeal the points with
the City of Hayden City Council meeting if needed.
The Board then directed J-U-B to amend the contract to cover only what
has already been done.
Approval for J-U-B Contract to Prepare Green
Project Reserve Memo, as required by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to approve authorization of additional
services for the Phase 1 BNR Improvement Project Green Project Reserve Memo.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden- - Ron McIntire - yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Discussion on J-U-B Contract for Additional
Design Work for frontage and landscape improvements that may be required by City
of Hayden based on Building Permit review.
Paul Klatt brought forward a
facility design standard issue. It was assumed when J-U-B estimated the design
for the frontage and landscaping that it would stay the same as the existing
facility. The contract did not take into
account, the current City of Hayden Building Permit Requirements.
The requirements were in place, so why
should the Board pay for extra design when it was part of the requirements.
Approval for 15” Force Main
It was moved by Todd Walker,
and seconded by Ron McIntire, to approve the Honeysuckle Avenue and Reed Road
Gravity Sewer Replacement Task 400, additional authorization for City of Hayden
for $24,000.00.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden- - Ron McIntire - yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Authorize Givens Pursley to draft a letter to the
EPA in response to the Spokane Tribe Fish consumption study
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, approved
to have Gary Allen, Givens Pursley put a letter together regarding this
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden- - Ron McIntire - yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Meeting was adjourned at
4:34 p.m...
Daniel H. Green, Chairman
Stephanie Oliver, Secretary