February 16, 2012


The Regular Meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on February 16, 2012, in the City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


Present:           Dan Green, Ron McIntire, Kenneth Sewell, David Weinstein        


Absent:            Stefan Chatwin


Also Present:   Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Administrator; Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Paul Klatt,            J-U-B Engineering; Steve Cordes, Welch-Comer Engineering; Connie Krueger, City of Hayden- Community Economic Development Director; Sean Hoisington, City of Hayden- Public Works Director; Nancy Stricklin, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Attorney; Scott Reed, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Attorney; Shirley Carter- Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Chief Operator


The meeting was called to order by Ron McIntire, Chairman at 3:00 p.m. 


It was moved by Dan Green, and seconded by Kenneth Sewell, to add the following item #11 to the agenda:  Executive Session 67-2345 (1) (f) – To consider and advise its legal representatives in pending litigation or where there is a general public awareness of probable litigation.  The item needs to be added due to only finding out yesterday of a potential issue that needs to be discussed immediately thus not allowing enough time to change the agenda prior to the meeting.  Motion carried.


It was moved by Kenneth Sewell, and seconded by Ron McIntire, to accept the amended agenda. Motion Carried.


Paul Klatt and Steve Cordes arrived 3:03 p.m...


Consent Calendar


It was moved by Kenneth Sewell, and seconded by Ron McIntire, to accept the Consent Calendar:  Approval of January 19, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes; Approval of January General and Construction Financial Reports; Approval of the Bills, General, Construction, and Replacement.

            City of Hayden- Ron McIntire, Mayor- Yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District-Kenneth Sewell, Chairman- Yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Dan Green- Abstain

 Motion Carried.







Engineer’s Reports


Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering, informed the Board that his facility long range plan report would be in combination with items #7 and #8 on the Agenda (Resolution to authorize JUB to complete wastewater planning grant and HARSB’s facility upgrade project timeline).


Paul Klatt then discussed the issues regarding Idaho antidegradation and the 401 certification that will also apply to our NPDES permit.  Issues that were discussed were: compliance schedules on phosphorus and CBOD which should be 9 to 10 years from final NPDES permit date, No compliance schedule was given for ammonia, cadmium, lead and zinc which means the new permit limits must be met day 1 of the new permit.


The EPA has no permit phosphorus limit from November through January based upon the Lake Spokane TMDL model runs.  However, Idaho rules state that “IDEQ must ensure that discharges of pollutants of concern remain constant or decrease within the watershed”.  Phosphorus is listed as a pollutant.  In HARSB’s IDEQ antidegradation permit, IDEQ has an effluent Phosphorus limit of 4.12 mg/l and 38.37 pounds/day.  These numbers are based on past HARSB plant phosphorus effluent readings even though there was no previous effluent limit for phosphorus and the TMDL model shows no environmental effect from November through January for phosphorus discharge.


No additional loading of CBOD, phosphorus, cadmium, lead, zinc and ammonia may occur even if growth occurs.  This means if we grow and HARSB has additional water flow, we have to take these items out of the effluent to stay at our current discharge effluent numbers. Silver is being included in our permit.  If we do not meet the effluent numbers, the daily penalty is up to $37,500 per day for violations.  If we test one sample a month with a result in violation, then it would be a $1 million penalty for the month.  To remove cadmium, lead, and zinc HARSB and the entities will have to move upstream to industrial and residential users to meet the new pretreatment and permit standards.  It will need to be determined what the entities are responsible for versus HARSB’s responsibility. 


Paul Klatt then discussed the negotiations on the compliance schedule and gave an update on Idaho’s primacy which is being presented back through the Idaho legislature again this year.



Administrative Reports


Ken Windram gave his Administrative report, which is attached hereto.


Ken Windram discussed the fact sheet sections which require public comment items that EPA is looking for, he talked about putting together a sheet that people can use to respond to EPA on our behalf.


Ken Windram discussed the fact that HARSB cannot participate legally in the current presented interstate agreement that the Washington Department of Ecology put together.  It has to do with the mechanism that they used which is okay in Washington but not in Idaho.  Currently, the Toxic Taskforce is looking into other mechanisms so the Idaho Dischargers can participate.  Spokane River Dissolved Oxygen Tool Box workshop will be March 23, 2012 from 9am- 12pm.

Ken Windram discussed the fact that Greenwood Resources from Boardman, Oregon would like to use some of the south acreage to plant popular trees to see if they can be used for ethanol under a federal grant program.  They would pay a lease per acre fee of $55.00, pay for water used, and for additional staff with the new trees.  Greenwood Resources plan to have a detailed proposal for the Board at our next meeting.


Ken Windram discussed the Woodland Water Project.  Rathdrum Power Station is interested in the entities’ water if it meets or beats the water quality that they are currently using.  He also discussed with the farmers about using our entity water, so that we would not have to pump as much water up the mountain.


Ken Windram discussed a solo robot naming project with one of the area schools. 

Discussion occurred that we should probably pick a grade not necessarily have a whole

school submit the name.


Shirley Carter gave her Operation’s report, which is attached hereto.


Entity Reports


City of Hayden – Sean Hoisington informed the Board that the City is looking at possibly bypassing the Hayden Elementary lift station with a gravity system.  They are still working on the H-1 lift station design, as well as doing some strategy work to get sewer into the Lancaster Road-Government Way area.


Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (HLRWSD) – no report


Kootenai County – Dan Green discussed with the other commissioners that the Airport had high flow from the last rain/storm event, and will get with Greg Delavan to further discuss this issue.



SEP Fund


Ken Windram reported that we are still working with Idaho DEQ on the proposal.


Scott Reed arrived at 3:30 p.m.…


Resolution to authorize J-U-B Engineering to complete wastewater planning grant


Ken Windram presented the State of Idaho, Department of Environmental Quality Authorizing Resolution for the Wastewater Planning grant to the Board for approval, also presented and attached for review by Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering was the Additional Services Agreement and Attachment A- Labor Services Review.


It was moved by Kenneth Sewell, and seconded by Dan Green, to approve the presented Idaho Wastewater planning grant and Authorizing Resolution.


Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden – Ron McIntire- Yes

Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell-Yes

Kootenai County– Commissioner Dan Green-Yes

            Motion carried.


HARSB Facilities Upgrade Project Timeline


Ken Windram presented the schedule put together by Larry Comer/Steve Cordes, Welch-Comer Engineering, see attached preliminary projected timeline.  Paul Klatt reviewed and discussed the timeline with the Board members.


January 29 High In-Flow and Infiltration


Ken Windram discussed the rain on frozen ground storm event that brought significant flow (+ 2 MGD total flow in a 24 hours period) into the plant, see attached letter and Power Point presentation.  Ken discussed the pump station inflow, with percentage change from normal daily flows.  The percentage increases per lift station broke down as follows:  H-1 46% increase, H-1D 135% increase, H-2 33% increase, H-4 1250% increase, H-5 29% increase.  HARSB did have higher than normal solids leaving the treatment plant, but were well within the limits of the discharge permit.


Fish Consumption Standard


Ken Windram and Paul Klatt discussed the fish consumption standards that are moving up the Columbia River Basin, see attached letter.  Washington is currently working on standards for fish consumption rates which ultimately drive water quality standards in WA and ID.


Executive Session 67-2345 1(f)


It was moved by Ken Sewell, and seconded by Dan Green, to recess and go into Executive Session per Idaho Code 67-2345, subsection (1) (f) to consider and advise its legal representatives in pending litigation or where there is a general public awareness of probable litigation.


Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden – Ron McIntire- Yes

Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell-Yes

Kootenai County– Commissioner Dan Green-Yes

            Motion carried.


Board recessed at 4:13 p.m.…


Moved to adjourn meeting by Kenneth Sewell, and seconded by Dan Green, at 4:30 p.m... Motion carried. 





Ron McIntire, Chairman                                 Stephanie Oliver, Secretary