February 18, 2010


The regular meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on February 18, 2010, in the City of Hayden, Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


Present:           Stefan Chatwin, Tom DePew, Ron McIntire, Richard Piazza


Absent:            Gerry House  


Also Present:   Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Facility System Manager; Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering; Larry Comer, Welch, Comer and Associates; Jeff Zaugg, City of Hayden-City Engineer; Nancy Stricklin, City of Hayden- Attorney; Scott Reed, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Attorney; Shirley Carter, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Chief Operator


The meeting was called to order by Ron McIntire, Chairman at 3:00 p.m. 


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Richard Piazza, to delete a portion of #12 (& Accounting/Office Manager Position Wage Adjustment) and approve the agenda as amended.  Motion Carried.


It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Richard Piazza to approve the minutes as presented for the January 21, 2010 regular meeting.  Motion carried. 


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Richard Piazza, to approve the January Financial Reports (Construction and O & M). Motion Carried. 


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, to pay the presented bills, including a replacement cost of $1,990.00(A & A Sales) for Scales. Motion Carried.


 Administrative Reports


Ken Windram gave his administrative report, which is attached hereto.

 Ken discussed with the Board the TMDL that was released by Washington Department of Ecology on Friday, February 11, 2010.  


Ken also discussed options regarding possible future sludge disposal, see the Barr-Tech information provided in the Board packet.


Ken updated the Board on the status of our primary emergency pumping responder (B & B Sani Service), and the fact that we do not have a reliable service they are no longer able to do this.  Shirley is setting up meetings with local pumping services. She and Ken will discuss the emergency issues we have with the various services still in the area within an hour’s time frame, and see what arrangements can be made.


Paul Klatt arrived at 3:09 p.m.

Ken updated the Board regarding the water adjudication being done by Wetzel and Wetzel. Effluent Water rights are currently a statewide issue and once the state figures out how it is handling the effluent rights, HARSB’s effluent rights will be filed and processed. The irrigation well as been filed but not processed, it will be processed at the same time as our effluent rights.


Ken expressed concern regarding the HLRWSD generator service being put on hold due to looking at other options.  Tom DePew talked about the District looking to use their own personnel to do some of the yearly maintenance work on the generators.


Shirley Carter did not have an operations report to present to the Board this month.

            Shirley discussed the safety award that HARSB received this last year at the PNCWA,

            see copies presented in the Board packet.


Engineer’s Reports


J-U-B Engineering- Paul Klatt

J-U-B Engineering is looking at Contract vs. Onsite processing and disposal of biosolids, see attached memo. J-U-B feels that the contract option, at this time, would be the best way to handle our biosolids. The master plan would leave space on the footprint, so that HARSB could eventually process bio-solids on-site. HARSB is seeing increased activity of contract processing options, with possible lower pricing options coming into the area. See enclosed graph regarding the biological nutrient process vs. chemical addition process and how it affects the biosolids produced. 


Discussion occurred regarding when we need to proceed to the next step.  This process depending upon the compliance schedule may need to be put into place as early as the next 30-60 days.  Finance options were also mentioned, as well as when procurement of funds would be needed.


Larry Comer arrived at 3:26 p.m.


Welch-Comer Engineering- Larry Comer 

Larry Comer talked with the City of Coeur d’Alene they are still working with BNSF to secure the land, and hope to have it within the next 6 months.


Ken Windram talked with Roy Armstrong, and discussed the issue of returning his land back to the way we found it.  Roy is still interested in our large pump from the reuse farm well, and possibly buying Class A water when we get to that point.  Discussion occurred regarding easements with him and how much footage we actually need.  Roy is still considering the options and will talk with his two sisters who also share in the ownership of the land.


Entity Reports


City of Hayden- Jeff Zaugg discussed the Wal-Mart progress of the new H-2 lift station. The underground emergency storage tank is installed, and the wet well is up to grade at this point.

Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Tom DePew discussed the hearing regarding the Districts proposed rate change.  The District Board will meet next week to discuss the comments and determine what to do.


Kootenai County- no report


SEP Fund


City of Hayden is still working on this.


Blue Water Response Letter Discussion


Ken Windram presented a response letter to Blue Water, see attached letter.  The HARSB and City of Hayden attorney’s have looked at and approved the letter.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Tom DePew, to send the response letter to Blue Water Technologies.


Capitalization Fee Discussion on Cost Increase


Ken Windram presented a step by step process to increase capitalization fees, the Idaho Code for changing capitalization fees, a resolution modifying sewer capitalization fees, and a sample notice of public hearing.  Discussion occurred regarding the time frame needed if the capitalization fee was approved.  We should allow a 30 to 60 days minimum time frame, from when the entities could approve an increase.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Tom DePew to move forward with the capitalization fee increase process.  Motion Carried.


HARSB Staffing Plan


Ken presented the HARSB staffing plan, which is the current staffing plan at the facility.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and moved by Richard Piazza, to approve the current staffing plan.


Attorney Fee Funding for TMDL/NPDES Permit issues.


Stephanie Oliver reported her discussion with Kacie Tollefson, regarding the unrestricted funds that are shown on the HARSB financial reports, and using those funds to pay for the TMDL/NDPES attorney fees.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Tom DePew,   to set the money in a separate line item to be shown as legal fees to be taken from the unrestricted funds at the end of the year.  Motion Carried.


The Board took a recess at 3:52 p.m. and will resume in 5 minutes-10 minutes when the HARSB attorney arrives.


The meeting was called back into order at 4:00 p.m.

Scott Reed arrived at 4:00 p.m.


Executive Session 67-2345 1(b & f)


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, to recess and go into executive session per Idaho Code 67-2345, subsection (1)(f) to discuss pending legal action and that those attending who are not Board Members, Attorney, HARSB Employee or HARSB Engineer to please leave the room. Roll call vote taken:

Stefan Chatwin- Yes

Ron McIntire- Yes

Tom DePew-Yes

Richard Piazza- Yes

 Motion Carried.


Board recessed at 4:05 p.m.

Board reconvened at 4:35 p.m.


Members present upon reconvening are as stated below.

Roll Call vote to come back into regular session:

Stefan Chatwin- Yes

Ron McIntire- Yes

Tom DePew-Yes

Richard Piazza- Yes

            Motion Carried

Nancy Stricklin, Paul Klatt, Larry Comer, Scott Reed, Ken Windram, Stephanie Oliver and Shirley Carter.


Agenda Amendment


It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Richard Piazza, to amend the agenda to add on the approval of litigation relating to the TMDL.  Findings: the reason that this was not on the agenda prior is because without having this addressed in the executive session we did not know what the outcome would be so we could not put this on the agenda, and the matter cannot wait until our next regularly scheduled meeting. Roll Call Vote:

Stefan Chatwin- Yes

Ron McIntire- Yes

Tom DePew-Yes

Richard Piazza- Yes

Motion Carried


Approval of litigation relating to the TMDL


It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Tom DePew, to proceed with litigation with respect to the TMDL and the NPDES permit. Roll Call Vote:

Stefan Chatwin- Yes

Ron McIntire- Yes

Tom DePew-Yes

Richard Piazza- Yes

            Motion Carried


Moved to adjourn meeting by Tom DePew, and seconded by Richard Piazza, at 4:38 p.m... Motion carried. 





Ron McIntire, Chairman                                 Stephanie Oliver, Secretary