January 22,
The workshop
meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on January 22, 2008, in
the City of Hayden Administrator’s Office at 8930 N. Government Way,
Gerry House, Jay Townsend
Also Present:
Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Project Manager; Stephanie
Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Secretary
The meeting was called to
order at 9:30 a.m.
Discussion occurred
regarding how each entity is currently dealing with the ER’s (equivalent
residence) and the impact to the regional facility due to these procedures.
The Draft Resolution 2007-1 was discussed and modifications made to the 4th
statement, see attached resolution.
Draft: Whereas, some individuals do not hook-up to
the facility for several years, and thus do not pay
operations and maintenance or any other increased costs.
Changed to Read:
Whereas, some individuals do not
hook-up to the facility for several years, and thus do not pay their fair/true
replacement cost of capacity purchased.
Discussion occurred
regarding the legality for this issue, Jay Townsend indicated that State Case
Law exists to support this resolution.
In order to implement this
several parts need to be in place:
Part 1: Supplemental
Agreement needs to exist that would be filled out by the land owner,
developer, etc. that would then be recorded and run/tied with the land.
It was decided to
talk with Nancy Strickland or Scott Reed to develop this agreement.
The City of Hayden
does not foresee needing this agreement with their current handling of ER’s. Jay
Townsend will have Nancy Strickland draft up the supplemental agreement and
discuss the pertinent issues with Scott Reed.
Part 2:
Enforcement of the Supplemental Payment- A monitoring system of these
ER’s is needed
catch when the additional payment is needed.
Ken and Stephanie will set up a reporting form.
monthly tracking form will be sent from each entity to HARSB to keep track of
supplemental payments.
will have to keep track of the two different groups of ER’s coming in:
Those who purchased ER’s prior to this
resolution, since they will not
be affected.
Those who purchased ER’s after this resolution,
since the price changes and
adjustments will be billed to them, unless they
hooked up at the time they
their ER.
Part 3:
We need a provision in the agreement that states, if we cannot go back
and capture the
true cost of the capacity sold, then we would eliminate this provision that
allows for the pre-purchase of capacity.
Jay Townsend will have Nancy Strickland draft up the supplemental
agreement with this provision, and she will discuss the pertinent issues with
Scott Reed.
Part 4:
An organizational policy needs to be attached to the resolution, and put
into place at the same time the resolution is passed.
Ken Windram and Stephanie Oliver will work on this policy.
The committee would like to have everything in
place for the February 21st board meeting.
Adjourned meeting
at 10:40 a.m.
Stephanie Oliver,
Hayden Area Regional Sewer