January 17, 2008


The regular meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on January 17, 2008, in the City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


Present:           Tom DePew, Gerry House, Richard Piazza, Jay Townsend  


Absent:            Ron McIntire             


Also Present:   Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Project Manager; Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Secretary; Jim Kimball, J-U-B Engineering; Steve Cordes, Welch, Comer and Associates; Shirley Carter, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board


The meeting was called to order by Gerry House, Chairman at 3:00 p.m. 


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to accept the agenda with the following changes: Add #14-A NPDES Permit, and 18-A Public Hearing.  Motion Carried.


It was moved by Gerry House, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to elect Ron McIntire as the new chairman of the board.  Motion Carried. Congratulations Ron McIntire.


Jay Townsend, acting for Ron McIntire then took charge of the meeting.


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Richard Piazza, to approve the minutes of the December 20, 2007 regular meeting as written. Motion carried. 


It was moved by Gerry House, and seconded by Richard Piazza, to approve the December Financial Reports (Construction and O & M). Motion Carried.


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Richard Piazza, to pay our bills, including Construction Draw 5 for TML totaling $135,355.71 for Phase IIIC. Motion carried. 


Administrative Reports


Ken Windram gave his administrative report, which is attached hereto.  The following actions and discussions then took place.

Ken Windram was impressed by the collaboration between all the agencies with the recent sewer back-up/blockage on Government Way/Kayla Court, the response to taking care of the resident’s and getting the sewer flowing again.

We have experienced increasing down time with the internet; which is currently through Blue Water and Intermax Networks.   


Shirley Carter gave her operations report, which is attached hereto.

Discussion took place on having pre-treatment for businesses, and the possibility of the city hiring a pre-treatment person.  Discussion also occurred on updating the pre-treatment ordinances for all of the entities.


Entity Reports


City of Hayden- The city will be pushing forward business licenses in the near future, this will help in the pre-treatment area.  Annexation Requests are moving forward and so is the planning.  The public entities are attending special meetings to look at the planning and then identifying any issues and those issues are then mitigated with the developers, which are then presented to Planning and Zoning.  Walmart is still moving forward at their purposed sight.  The Rathdrum Prairie Study is suggesting that purple pipe go to the open spaces in the sub-divisions and not to individual home-owners.


Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Gerry House talked with the new executive from Avista Corporation regarding the possibility of taking our effluent and she was interested in talking with us.


Kootenai County- sewer package plants are continually coming forward in new county sub-divisions and are being addressed in the new comprehensive plan.  Toothman-Orton is the engineering firm for the airport for the next five years.



Phase III Construction


Jim Kimball, J-U-B engineering, gave an update on the construction.  The project is still moving along ahead of schedule and may be done about a month early.  The project is still running very smoothly.  The HARSB staff then presented a slide show of the construction progress to date.


Outfall Feasibility Study


Larry Comer, Welch, Comer and Associates, submitted the draft report for review at the previous meeting.  Steve Cordes asked for any comments on the submitted draft report and they would present the final report at our next meeting. Ken Windram looked at the draft report and supports the Huetter Road 24” pipe decision.  Discussion occurred on who would be paying for this new outfall line. Jim Kimball, J-U-B engineering will review the cap fee and what is currently reflected in that fee.


Sep Fund


Discussion occurred on why this money is in a non-interest bearing account, and Stephanie Oliver is pursuing this issue.


Airport Irrigation


Steve Cordes informed the board that they were still working on the airport irrigation study and would have a draft report for the February board meeting. 


RFQ Facility Long Range Plan


RFQ is out to the public and we expect the submittals to be returned to us on February 8th, at 3:00 p.m.




See enclosed bill from Spokane County for the collaboration fee.  Jim Kimball, indicated that the board asked J-U-B engineering to represent HARSB part of the TMDL.  Jim Kimball was allowed to speak on our behalf, had a name plate, and yet we were not part of the signatures on this agreement.  The outcome was not to our best interest nor did the special interest groups that had as much say as we did pay for their participation.  The board directed Ken Windram to talk with N. Bruce Rawls from Spokane County, about the concerns expressed by the board. 


Ken Windram also talked about the January meeting about the new NPDES permit that is geared for our capacity at1.65 mgd per day.  The new permit does not take into account the additional capacity of the plant.  So as we go up in flows then our concentration levels will need to go down.  This area is being permitted with some of the strictest phosphorus amounts in the United States.  Discussion occurred regarding the phosphorus limits.  Jim Kimball stated that about half of the phosphorus loading at the state line is from point dischargers and the balance is from other sources.  The board would like to have a separate meeting to establish concerns that need to be part of the response to EPA’s last meeting and their proposed draft permit.

Some expressed concerns were:

·         we have a standard that the technology cannot achieve

·         the lower phosphorus levels will help clean up the Spokane River, but not Long Lake,

·         the new standards limit the growth of our city economically and physically when the older cities were not encumbered,

·         testing in areas that are not affected by our outfall.


Back-Up of Line on January 8, 2008


Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board Staff showed pictures of debris that caused a blockage  in the government way gravity line.  The Board then viewed camera video of the Orchard line, which showed a large amount of grease located at a business establishment’s lateral.


Ken Windram would like to make several points from this situation:

We need to pursue Vactor options, our vactor truck needs to be upgraded to better suit the needs of the community.  Our Vactor is reaching the limits of its capabilities.  It is a high pressure, low volume system that was purchased 15 years ago and upgrades to this system have occurred in that time.  This is something to pursue for next year’s budget.

We really need to pursue the pretreatment program that was discussed earlier, especially since CMOM is coming.

Purchasing a camera to review the lines needs to be looked into so that once the lines are clean, the crew can review them to see how the lines are looking for maintenance/cleaning so that monitoring can go on.  Ken Windram would like to pursue this for next year’s budget.


The board asked for an economic analysis on these items.


Surplus Analog Phones


Stephanie Oliver gave the update that Verizon will be stopping analog service on February 18, 2008 and will change to digital service only. It was moved by Gerry House, and seconded by Tom Depew, to surplus the old analog phones from the lift stations that were replaced by digital tellular units.  Motion Carried.  Surplus List is attached to minutes.


Public Hearing on Land by Land App Site


See the attached Public Hearing notice.  The board would like Ken Windram to submit a letter to the Kootenai County Planning and Zoning regarding the land application location and the problems with zoning changes next to the property.



Moved to adjourn meeting by Tom DePew, and seconded by Gerry House, at 4:45 p.m... Motion carried. 





Jay Townsend, Acting Chairman for

Ron McIntire, Chairman                                 Stephanie Oliver, Secretary