June 16, 2011
The Regular Meeting
of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on June 16, 2011, in the City
of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden,
Stefan Chatwin, Dan Green Ron McIntire, Kenneth Sewell, David Weinstein
Also Present:
Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Facility System Manager;
Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Paul Klatt,
J-U-B Engineering; Larry Comer, Welch-Comer Engineering; Sean Hoisington,
City of Hayden- Public Works Director; Connie Krueger, City of Hayden- Community
Economic Development Director; Nancy Stricklin, City of Hayden, HARSB- Attorney;
Shirley Carter, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Chief Operator
The meeting was called to
order by Kenneth Sewell, Chairman at 3:00 p.m.
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to move from the consent calendar “the
approval to change title of position from Facility System Manager to
Administrator” to # 8a. Motion
Consent Calendar
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to accept all items remaining on the
Consent Calendar. Approval of May 26,
2011 Regular Meeting, Approval of May General and Construction Financial
Reports, Approval of the Bills General and Construction.
Motion Carried.
Entity Reports
City of Hayden - Sean Hoisington introduced Connie Krueger the new Community
Economic Development Director.
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (HLRWSD) – no report
Kootenai County - no report
SEP Fund
City of Hayden is still
working on this.
Larry Comer arrived at 3:06
Engineer’s Reports
Larry Comer, Welch-Comer
Engineering, indicated that they had no new information on the outfall.
A Public Hearing is set for the four (4) lane increase on Prairie from
Huetter Road to Hwy 41- we might want to put in the pipe under Prairie at the
Huetter intersection while this project is taking place.
Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering discussed the Facility Master Plan Staging and
Facility Layout, see enclosed packet of information.
He presented the anticipated layout to meet the 9 year anticipated
compliance schedule for permitting, and items needed for better plant
operations, cost effectiveness, and anticipated future needs.
Paul will have a revised timeline and numbers for the July Board Meeting.
Discussion occurred regarding the facility property lines and how the
construction stages will occur; the advantages of staging the facility build
out, the cost of construction and financing issues were discussed.
Discussion also occurred regarding other constituents that are possibly
being considered for future permits- i.e. PCB’s, micro organisms
Board requested a workshop to be set up after the Draft Master Plan is issued to
discuss costs, and financing.
Administrative Reports
Ken Windram gave his
Administrative report, which is attached hereto.
discussed that the City of Spokane, Liberty Lake Water and Sewer District, and
Kaiser all received their permits today (June 16, 2011).
Washington Department of Ecology reissued Inland Empire Paper’s draft
permit and the draft for Spokane County.
current Spokane River flow is at 24,000 cubic feet per second.
will be out of the office on medical leave from July 12, 2011 to August 12,
Shirley Carter gave her
Chief Operator’s report. The plant
is operating well at this time, and due to construction and seasonal impact the
staff is running and spread thin.
2011-2012 Budget Workshop
Ken Windram gave the
proposed 2011-2012 budget preliminary numbers, which are attached hereto.
Ken walked through the changes that are noted on the sides of the pages.
Discussion on specific line items occurred if the Board members had questions.
Collection System Video Equipment Information
Ken Windram gave his opinion
on the Video Collection System that was demonstrated to the staff and Board
members that could attend.
Dave Weinstein left at 4:30
Approval to Change Title of Position from
Facility System Manager to Administrator
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Dan Green, to change the title from Facility System
Manager to Administrator. Motion
Executive Session 67-2345 1(c)
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Dan Green, to recess and go into executive session per
Idaho Code 67-2345, subsection (1) (c) to acquire an interest in real property
which is not owned by a public agency.
Roll call vote taken:
City of Hayden – Ron McIntire- Yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Ken Sewell-Yes
Kootenai County Airport – Dan Green-Yes
Motion carried.
Board recessed at 4:35 p.m…
Moved to adjourn meeting by
Ron McIntire, and seconded by Dan Green, at 4:55 p.m... Motion carried.
Ken Sewell, Chairman
Stephanie Oliver, Secretary