June 19, 2008


The regular meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on June 19, 2008, in the City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


Present:           Tom DePew, Gerry House, Ron McIntire, Jay Townsend    


Absent:            Richard Piazza                       


Also Present:   Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Project Manager; Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Secretary; Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering; Steve Cordes, Welch, Comer and Associates; Shirley Carter, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board; Brandon & Holly Cox


The meeting was called to order by Ron McIntire, Chairman at 3:00 p.m. 


It was moved by Gerry House, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2008 regular meeting. Motion carried. 


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to approve the May Financial Reports (Construction and O & M). Motion Carried.


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to pay our bills, including a Replacement Digestion Solids Piston Pumps $ 488.00, Replacement Work for Sludge Pump

$ 304.75, Replacement Sampler $ 3,556.08 and Construction Draw 10 for TML totaling

$ 102,567.02 for Phase IIIC. Motion carried. 


Administrative Reports


Ken Windram gave his administrative report.

The construction is going very well and TML is doing a great job, and substantial completion should be by August 5.  The oxidation ditch has been released to the facility for use.


The land application site has had an infestation of Poplar Sawfly.  These bugs have really defoliated the trees, and we would like a professional to give us guidance on this.  Ken indicated that he was told that these bugs have two hatchings a year and to expect a second outbreak in August. The water was switched to the land application site as of May 30th.   Gerry House informed the Board that the University of Idaho has an extension forester in our area that should be happy to discuss the Poplar Sawfly issue with us.


Shirley Carter’s operations report is attached hereto.

            The Board expressed concern over the comments printed that were written in the  

DEQ/EPA NPDES inspection report by John Tindall. In this year’s NPDES inspection report it talked about Blue Water Wastewater Research Facility and their products at our site.

Brandon & Holly Cox Proposal


Brandon Cox,  3935 W. Boekel Road, Rathdrum, Idaho 83858

Brandon asked to purchase from the Board for a portion of the road (about 3.5’) off the center line in order to have enough property to allow for his property to be subdivided, see attached request.   The City of Hayden let him know that in order for this to go through it would be required to go through a public auction process.  Gerry House talked about the policy of the Board to oppose any zone changes or subdivisions that go in next to the Board’s property.  Discussion occurred regarding this issue, and the Board felt that it would be better for them to see if a neighbor would allow a lot line adjustment.  The public auction cost if they choose to pursue it would be in the range of a couple thousand dollars.


Brandon and Holly Cox left at 3:30 p.m.


Entity Reports


City of Hayden- no report


Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Gerry House gave a clarification on the EPA violation, stating that the citation was because they did not have their name on the SWWP permit. The district’s activity was less than 1 acre and we understood that we would not need a permit, Lakes Highway District did have a permit.  Gerry House gave a report on the meeting with Senator Crapo that he and Ken Windram attended on May 30th, 2008.


Kootenai County- no report


Phase III Construction


Paul Klatt, J-U-B engineering, gave an update on the construction.  The project is still moving along well, with substantial completion within the next 45 days or so.   The total change orders are in the less than 1% bracket for this project.  Change Order 4 ($4943.00) and Change Order 5 ($2413.00) are for the changing of the grass to gravel for maintenance upkeep, belt filter press modifications, RAS piping, Relocation of RAS Pump, updating of door frames.  These change orders have been supported by the HARSB staff.  It was moved by Gerry House, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to proceed with the Change Orders. Motion Carried.




City of Hayden is still working on this.


ER Resolution


The Board members have taken this packet back to each of their entities and the corresponding attorneys are working with each other to clear up some entity concerns and issues.







RFQ Facility Long Range Plan-Financial Plan


Ken Windram and Jay Townsend have been working on the pricing per task that FCS group submitted for negotiation and met with Angie Sanchez, see the enclosed proposal.  It was moved by Jay Townsend, and seconded by Gerry House, to enter into negotiating a contract with FCS group.  Motion Carried.


Dam Certification Letter


Ken Windram presented the revised letter that was written from last month’s discussion, see enclosed letter.  He asked that this letter be put in as a position letter, since it did not make it in time for the comment period.  The Board decided to mail this letter so that our position was made known.


Paul Klatt indicated that the water quality certification had been finalized for the hydroelectric projects on both sides of the border for the Spokane River.  The DOE/EPA did add a set of conditions for Avista to share in the operations & solutions cost for the dissolved oxygen issues in Lake Spokane.


The Washington DOE has reissued the draft permits for the Washington Sewer Treatment Plants along the Spokane River with a short comment period.


Agrimet Station


The HARSB staff presented a slide show regarding the new station.  Ken Windram informed the Board that they could see the data if they go to the website, brochure also enclosed.


Land Reuse Site Insects/Dueling Pivots


The HARSB staff presented a slide show regarding the dueling pivots at the Land Application Site.  Discussion occurred regarding the shortening of the one pivot.


The HARSB staff presented a slide show regarding the Poplar Sawfly defoliating the trees.

Discussion occurred regarding the insects, and developing a program to deal with the insects.


Photocopy Machine & Phone Quotes


Stephanie Oliver talked about the information on the enclosed quote sheets.  Discussion occurred regarding the different phone systems and photocopy machines.  It was moved by Jay Townsend, and seconded by Tom DePew, to accept the quote of $3475.00 from Allied Teledata and for the new phone system.  The Board asked for further information regarding the photocopy machines, including information from the Consumer Reports. 




Disaster Plan   


Stephanie Oliver handed out the initial rough draft disaster plan, attached hereto.  These are some basic research thoughts and notes jotted down, and still needs to be discussed and addressed by the HARSB staff.


D.O. Probes


Ken Windram discussed that the new ditch #3 has a D.O. probe, and he would like the Board to add D.O. probes on both ditch #1 and ditch #2. See the attached pricing sheets. The D.O. probes would then be hooked into the SCADA system, so that the D.O. in the ditches would be able to be computer monitored & maintained.  Paul Klatt informed the Board that this would be a good time to start this, and that having the extra capacity of the third ditch would allow for more testing capability with the D.O. and to ensure that we would have no noncompliance on this issue with our permits. It was moved by Gerry House, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to add the D.O. probes to ditch #1 and ditch #2. Motion Carried.


Branom Instruments


Ken Windram discussed the option and pricing of a proposed new Land Application tree flow meter system and radio system, see the attached price quote.  It was moved by Jay Townsend, and seconded by Gerry House, to send out RFQ’s for 3 written quotes on the radio and flow meter system. Motion Carried.


Update on Long Range Facility Plan


Ken Windram gave an update on the initial long range facility planning meeting with J-U-B engineering.  Paul Klatt gave the top items that were discussed. The operations and staffing at the plant were discussed, as well as additional items needed to keep our capacity from being limited further



Moved to adjourn meeting by Tom DePew, and seconded by Jay Townsend, at 4:35 p.m... Motion carried. 





Ron McIntire, Chairman                                 Stephanie Oliver, Secretary