May 17, 2012


The Regular Meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on May 17, 2012, in the City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


Present:           Stefan Chatwin, Dan Green, Ron McIntire, Kenneth Sewell, David Weinstein        




Also Present:   Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Administrator; Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering; Larry Comer, Welch-Comer Engineering; Steve Cordes, Welch-Comer Engineering; Dennis Ownbey, Welch-Comer Engineering; Sean Hoisington, City of Hayden- Public Works Director; Nancy Stricklin, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Attorney


The meeting was called to order by Ron McIntire, Chairman at 3:00 p.m. 


There were no additions or corrections to the stated agenda.


Consent Calendar


It was moved by Kenneth Sewell, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, to accept the Consent Calendar:  Approval of April 19, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes; Approval of April General and Construction Financial Reports; Approval of the Bills, General, Construction, and Replacement.

City of Hayden- Stefan Chatwin- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Dan Green- yes

Motion Carried.


Engineer’s Reports


Paul Klatt discussed the progress on the facilities plan; J-U-B Engineering will have a full presentation for the Board at the June 21, 2012 meeting.  We are still waiting on the Idaho DEQ 401 certification as discussion is still occurring regarding the metal numbers with mass versus concentration loading factors.  The facilities plan has some updated information from the draft master plan due to new information being available and products being looked at.  J-U-B Engineering would like to present the facilities plan as a whole instead of giving out pieces which could lead to confusion, misinterpretation or incomplete information published to the public by the media.


Larry Comer and Steve Cordes had no new information to report on the outfall.


Administrative Reports


Ken Windram gave his Administrative report and Shirley’s Chief Operators report, which are attached hereto.

Ken Windram discussed the process the staff went through to get approval for biosolids application at the Reuse Site, as well as the process that is occurring as they apply the biosolids to the North half of the east pivot.  We could apply up to 21,000 gallons of aerobic digested biosolids per acre; however, we are only going to apply about 10,000 gallons per acre for a total of 240,000 gallons.  Discussion occurred regarding the applying of the biosolids and possible liabilities.  See enclosed PowerPoint presentation.


Ken Windram also discussed the Biosolids Conference that he attended May 16th and 17th in Coeur d’Alene. Ken talked with Peter Stevenson from DOE regarding biosolids applications in Washington.


H-3 Chlorine Contact Chamber Pump 2 was changed to operate on water level set point using the pump 2 VFD.  The control change to VFD water level control gets the maximum chlorine contact time in the Contact Chamber.  See enclosed graph and information.


Ken Windram also informed the Board that Greenwood Resources is currently planting trees at the reuse farm; and that Oxidation Ditch 3 is currently out of service for cleaning. Next week, the Aerobic Digester will be taken down for its first cleaning since the diffusers were installed in 1998.


Entity Reports


City of Hayden – Sean Hoisington informed the Board that they are still working on the H-1 lift station design with a plan review, as well as working on updating their sewer master plan.  Sean also discussed the use of the sewer robotics that they used to assist a customer in finding a sewer line.


Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (HLRWSD) – no report


Kootenai County – no report


SEP Fund


Ken Windram reported that we are still working with Idaho DEQ on the proposal.


Approval for Land Application Flow Meter Radio’s


Ken Windram discussed the Reuse Farm Tree Meter Installation, which was approved in the budget for 2011-2012, see enclosed information and quote.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Kenneth Sewell, that we purchase the proposed flow meter radios for $12,276.00. 

City of Hayden- Stefan Chatwin- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Dan Green- yes

Motion Carried.




Review of Draft NPDES Sections- Causes for Modification and Anti-Backsliding


Ken Windram discussed the compliance responsibilities presented in the Board packet with the Board members.  Discussion occurred regarding the clause in the permit on the biological available phosphorus.  If new biological available Phosphorus research shows that there is another way to measure the dissolved oxygen depleting phase of phosphorus, then the permit can be adjusted without causing activation of the Clean Water Act’s Anti-Backsliding rules.                


Approval of Funds for Idaho Washington Aquifer Collaborative (IWAC)


Ken Windram discussed the draft proposal goals and financial commitment needed to set up this collaborative, see enclosed information.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Kenneth Sewell, to pay $1000.00 for the organization to hire a facilitator for the meetings.

            City of Hayden- Stefan Chatwin- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Dan Green- yes

Motion Carried.


Discussion on Draft Wastewater Reuse Permit Renewal


Ken Windram presented the wastewater reuse permit renewal that is currently out for public comment, see enclosed news release and draft permit sections.


Approval of Meyer’s Farm Lease Agreement


Ken Windram presented Meyers agricultural lease, see enclosed lease.

The lease is for 246 acres at $55.00 per acre.  It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, to approve the presented agricultural lease.

            City of Hayden- Stefan Chatwin- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Dan Green- yes

Motion Carried.


Approval for Farm Fence Installation


Ken Windram presented information on Farm Fence purchase and installation, see enclosed proposal.   It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Kenneth Sewell, to approve the purchase and installation of an additional reuse farm fence.

            City of Hayden- Stefan Chatwin- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Dan Green- yes

Motion Carried.


Approval for Vehicle Use Policy


Ken Windram presented an updated Vehicle Use Policy, see enclosed policy.   It was moved by Kenneth Sewell, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, to approve HARSB Vehicle Use Policy.

            City of Hayden- Stefan Chatwin- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Dan Green- yes

Motion Carried.


Presentation and Discussion on Woodland Water Project


Steve Cordes, Welch-Comer Engineering and Dennis Ownbey, Welch-Comer Engineering

presented information regarding a feasibility of irrigating Rathdrum Mountain and/or possibly irrigating the Rathdrum Prairie, see enclosed PowerPoint presentation.  The main concept is that the effluent from the three major treatment facilities( Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls, Hayden) would pump the water to a large storage pond all months except November thru January when they would go to the Spokane River, and then during the summer irrigation months it would then be land applied.  Estimated cost of each approach would be: Timber Irrigation at $300 Million, with Prairie Irrigation at $100 Million.  The Board members had questions regarding land availability with both approaches and how clean the effluent would need to be.


Executive Session 67-2345 1(c)


It was moved by Ken Sewell, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, to recess and go into Executive Session per Idaho Code 67-2345, subsection (1) (c) to consider acquisition of an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency.


Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden – Ron McIntire- Yes

Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Kenneth Sewell-Yes

Kootenai County– Commissioner Dan Green-Yes

 Motion carried.


Board recessed at 4:20 p.m.…




Moved to adjourn meeting by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Kenneth Sewell, at 4:30 p.m... Motion carried. 




Ron McIntire, Chairman                                 Stephanie Oliver, Secretary