May 20, 2010
The regular meeting
of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on May 20, 2010, in the City of
Hayden, Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way,
Stefan Chatwin, Tom DePew, Gerry House, Ron McIntire, Richard Piazza
Also Present:
Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Facility System Manager;
Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Jim Kimball,
J-U-B Engineering; Jeff Zaugg, City of
Hayden- City Engineer; Nancy Stricklin, City of Hayden- Attorney; Larry Comer,
Welch Comer and Associates; Ken Sewell, Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer
District; Scott Reed- Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Attorney; Shirley
Carter, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Chief Operator; Olivia Windram
The meeting was called to
order by Ron McIntire, Chairman at 3:00 p.m.
It was moved by Gerry House,
and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, to approve the agenda with the addition of #15
Executive Session 67-2345 (f) regarding pending legal litigation. The pending
legal litigation discussion cannot wait until next meeting due to time
sensitivity in the possible litigation process and some information was not made
available to the Board until after the agenda was posted.
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Tom DePew, to approve the minutes as written for the
April 15, 2010 regular meeting. Motion
Engineer’s Reports
Welch-Comer Engineering- Larry
Larry Comer had no new information at this time regarding the outfall line.
Welch-Comer will be testing the outfall pumps for pertinent information
needed for their part of the HARSB master plan.
It was moved by Tom DePew,
and seconded by Richard Piazza, to approve the April Financial Reports
(Construction and O & M). Motion Carried.
Jeff Zaugg and Nancy
Stricklin arrived at 3:05 p.m.
It was moved by Tom DePew,
and seconded by Richard Piazza, to pay the presented bills, with replacement
bills totaling $5064.00 for Wells Fargo Card Services (Carlson Sheet Metal).
Motion Carried.
Ken Windram gave his
Ken indicated that Dan Redline, Regional
Administrator for Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, expected the EPA to
approve the TMDL today, with the EPA trying to issue draft permits soon after.
Shirley Carter’s gave her
report, see attached report.
Entity Reports
City of Hayden- Jeff Zaugg reported that they are continuing to do connection
testing as part of their sewer audit.
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (HLRWSD) - Gerry House
informed everyone that an election for HLRWSD Directors will be August 3, 2010
and they have 3 positions being voted on.
Gerry House has chosen not to run again.
The HLRWSD decided at their last meeting that Tom DePew will be the
acting chairman, and Ken Sewell will be the vice-chairman for the time being.
Kootenai County- Richard Piazza mentioned that they are updating the master plan
to be completed in a couple months.
SEP Fund
City of Hayden is still
working on this.
Poplar Sawfly Aerial Spraying
Stephanie Oliver, gave a
PowerPoint presentation, see enclosed PowerPoint handout.
Jim Kimball arrived at 3:20
NPDES Compliance Schedule
Ken Windram presented a
proposed updated compliance schedule and potential budget to meet the
anticipated requirements. Currently,
we are looking at the State Revolving Fund as a possible funding source; we are
competing against all the other Idaho entities for these same funds.
The Board discussed possible ideas for financing, and looked at possibly
hiring a grant writer.
Surplus Vactor Tanks
Windram requested that we surplus the old leaking vactor tanks, and Tom DePew
requested the tanks for the submariners.
It was moved be Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Gerry House, to surplus
the old tanks. Motion Carried.
Wal-Mart Request for 15” to 16” Line
Ken Windram presented a
letter that was sent to HARSB from John McCullough, who is representing
Wal-Mart. The Board discussed the
letter, and asked Nancy Stricklin to give her opinion on this matter.
It was moved by Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Gerry House, that our
response to Wal-Mart is that we are sorry but it is the cost of development, the
letter needs to have Nancy Stricklin's approval prior to sending.
Motion Carried.
Approval of HARSB Effluent SO2 Chlorine Residual
Ken Windram presented a
request for an effluent chlorine residual monitor, see enclosed letter.
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Tom DePew, to purchase the effluent chlorine residual
monitor as presented. Motion
Scott Reed arrived at 3:40
Engineers Report, Continued
J-U-B Engineering- Jim
J-U-B has been working on the Sludge Disposal issue for the master plan; they
have also been discussing with EPA the nitrogen standard.
J-U-B is still having ongoing discussions with EPA on the NPDES/TMDL process and
decision. See enclosed
memorandums from the EPA and Washington Department of Ecology. Discussion
occurred over the current issues, including possible trading to meet phosphorus
Executive Session 67-2345 1(f)
It was moved by Gerry House,
and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, to recess and go into executive session per
Idaho Code 67-2345, subsection (1)(f) to discuss pending legal action and that
those attending who are not Board Members, Attorney, HARSB Employee or HARSB
Engineer to please leave the room. Roll call vote taken:
Stefan Chatwin- Yes
McIntire- Yes
Gerry House-Yes
Richard Piazza- Yes
Motion Carried.
Board recessed at 3:45 p.m.
Moved to adjourn meeting by
Gerry House, and seconded by Stefan Chatwin, at 4:25 p.m... Motion carried.
Ron McIntire, Chairman
Stephanie Oliver, Secretary