October 16, 2008


The regular meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on October 16, 2008, in the City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


Present:           Tom DePew, Gerry House, Ron McIntire, Jay Townsend    


Absent:            Richard Piazza                       


Also Present:   Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Project Manager; Stephanie Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board- Secretary; Jim Kimball, J-U-B Engineering; Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering; Larry Comer, Welch, Comer and Associates; Shirley Carter, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board


The meeting was called to order by Ron McIntire, Chairman at 3:00 p.m. 


The following change was made to the agenda: 4.a. Change Order #8.  It was moved by Gerry House, and seconded by Jay Townsend to approve the agenda as ammended.  Motion Carried.


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2008 regular meeting. Motion carried. 


It was moved by Gerry House, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to approve the September Financial Reports (Construction and O & M). Motion Carried.  Stephanie Oliver reminded the Board that the financial audit will be taking place starting October 28, 2008.  Ken Windram requested that the balance of the funds from the O & M this year be put towards the depreciation/designated fund balance. 


Jim Kimball talked about the Long Range Facility & Financial Plans and how they were being totally funded out of the designated fund balance.  The Board discussed this issue and determined to take  80 %  from construction fund with 20% from designated fund balance for the Financial plan.  It was determined that the Long Range Facility Plan would be funded 100%  from the construction fund.


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to approve Change Order 8 submitted by TML. Motion Carried.


It was moved by Tom DePew, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to pay our bills, including Replacement bills for Copier $ 6454.11 (Associated Business Systems), Utility Pump $5185.90 (United Pump Company),  and Change Order 8 (TML Draw 14 $13659.10). Motion carried.







Administrative Reports


Ken Windram gave his administrative report, which is attached hereto.


            Discussion occurred regarding the NPDES permit rejections that came down from

EPA in Washington D.C., a meeting was held on September 26, 2008.  See the attached   letters regarding this issue.  A meeting will be taking place October 17, 2008 for all the

Dischargers to come together and discuss this issue and how to proceed.  Ken Windram

is also asking this group to start a large public outreach program.


EKO Sludge Hauling- see the attached letters.


As part of Master Plan, Ken Windram asked J-U-B to consider building a lake on the        land application site.  What would be the costs and options on this?


Shirley Carter gave her operations report, which is attached hereto.


            Scum Pit #2 repairs have been completed, and  Ken Windram will be contacting DEQ.

            See the enclosed pictures that show the repairs and sand from Chlorine Chamber.


            Blue Water has been notified about the sand issue in our chlorine contact chamber.

            Tom Daugherty confirmed that the sand was their sand, and felt is was from one of

            their experiments.  They plan to install a screen, and not repeat the experiment that

            they felt caused this problem.


Larry Comer asked for the Wipes Clog Pipes flyer.  Stephanie Oliver will send a pdf copy to Welch, Comer and Associates.



Entity Reports


City of Hayden- The City is sending out RFQ’s for Broadmore Bypass and Woodland Meadow Generator.  Welch, Comer, and Associates will be receiving the work to design Hayden Elementary Generator placement.


Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Gerry House talked about the NPDES permit, and the requirements that could be coming down again. We need equal pressure on the EPA, they sometimes forget the people who pay the bills. Jim Kimball put together a summary for the NPDES, and it will be discussed later.


Kootenai County-  no report .


Gerry House will talk with the Kootenai County Commissioners regarding their interest in remaining on the Board.





Phase III Construction


Ken Windram gave an update on the Phase IIIC construction which is nearing completion.  VFD training occurred today.  Change Orders will come out at under 1.5% of total budget.



RFQ Facility Long Range Plan-Financial Plan


Paul Klatt updated the Board on the progress of the Long Range Facility plan.  Currently,

J-U-B engineering is working on a possible storage only option- 50 acre/30 feet deep pond, and the direction to go in regards to what is happening with the permitting process.





Larry Comer, Welch, Comer and Associates brought the Board up to date on the preliminary design phase.  They have the aerial base map ready, and are continuing to work with Post Falls Highway District on the design corridor.





Stephanie Oliver talked with Bill Carr regarding the Mutual Assistance Agreement.  The next IDWARN informational meeting will be November 12, 2008, and the changes requested by ICRMP and Nancy Stricklin will be considered at that meeting.





Ken Windram discussed what was currently happening with the NPDES Permit, and the modeling that could be affecting the permits.  Jim Kimball talked about a summary of information letter J-U-B put together called NPDES Discharge Permits- Status and Potential Paths Forward, see enclosed letter.  The Board discussed the information that Jim Kimball presented and the possible funds that could be needed to meet the requirements that are being looked at.





Stephanie Oliver informed the Board of Stan Woods retirement, and that Toni Hackwith will be taking over our account, see enclosed letter.





Ken Windram presented the Region 1 ICRMP Board of Trustee nomination letter.  It was moved by Jay Townsend, and seconded by Tom DePew, to nominate Garrett Nancolas, Mayor of Caldwell as the Region 1 Board of Trustee.  Motion Carried.




Ken Windram presented the H.A.R.S.B. Logo for the Board.  It was moved by Gerry House, and seconded by Jay Townsend, to have this logo represent the Board.  Motion Carried.



Moved to adjourn meeting by Tom DePew, and seconded by Jay Townsend, at 4:25 p.m... Motion carried. 






Ron McIntire, Chairman                                 Stephanie Oliver, Secretary