September 15, 2011
The Regular Meeting
of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on September 15, 2011, in the
City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden,
Stefan Chatwin, Dan Green, Ron McIntire, Kenneth Sewell, David Weinstein
Also Present:
Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Administrator; Stephanie
Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Paul Klatt,
Engineering; Steve Cordes, Welch-Comer Engineering; Sean Hoisington, Hayden-
Public Works Director; Nancy Stricklin, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-
The meeting was called to
order by Kenneth Sewell, Chairman at 1:00 p.m.
It was moved by Dave
Weinstein, and seconded by Ron McIntire, to move approve the presented agenda.
Motion Carried.
Public Budget Hearing
Public Budget Hearing was
announced at 1:02 p.m. for the consideration of the proposed budget for the
fiscal period of October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012.
It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Dan Green, to open the
public hearing.
The Board Members received
the updated proposed budget numbers for the 2011-2012 year, while Ken Windram
discussed the reasons for the proposed changes, see enclosed updated budget. The
entity replacement funds rose to $300,000.00 per year per FCS group
The 2011-2012 budget
presented is $ 1,719,879.00 expense for O & M, $ 372,000.00 expense for
Replacement, $ 300,000.00 for Replacement Revenue, and $ 4,141,451.00 expense
for Capital/Construction improvements.
No public comment was
It was moved by Dan Green,
and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to close the public hearing. Motion Carried.
The public hearing comment period was closed at 1:23 pm.
Stephanie Oliver announced
that the Board had received copies from each entity regarding their budgetary
voting actions.
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, to approve the fiscal year 2011-2012 O & M
budget $1,719,879.00, Replacement $372,000, and Capital Construction
$4,141,451.00 and adopt Resolution 2011-1 establishing the budget for fiscal
year 2011-2012.
Roll Call Vote
City of Hayden- Mayor Ron McIntire- Yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Dave Weinstein- No
Kootenai County- Commissioner Dan Green- Yes
Motion Carried.
Consent Calendar
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Dan Green, to accept the Consent Calendar.
Approval of August 18, 2011 Regular
Meeting; Approval of August General and Construction Financial Reports; Approval
of the Bills General and Construction
City of Hayden- Mayor Ron McIntire- yes
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Dave Weinstein-yes
Kootenai County- Commissioner Dan Green- yes
Motion Carried.
Engineer’s Reports
Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering, has no presentation for the draft Facility Master
Plan today.
Paul Klatt and Ken Windram discussed the PCB issues, and the letter that was
received regarding our permit.
Nancy Stricklin arrived at 1:45 p.m.
Steve Cordes, Welch-Comer
Engineering, City of Coeur d’Alene and Centennial Trail people are working on
getting the Burlington Northern Railroad property still in 2011 or early 2012.
Administrative Reports
Ken Windram gave his
Administrative report, which is attached hereto.
Windram discussed getting another section of wheel line for $3,500.00
Nancy Stricklin commented on the Water Adjudication, and that a steering
Ken Windram gave Shirley
Carter’s Chief Operator’s report.
Entity Reports
City of Hayden – Sean Hoisington, Public Works Director, and H-1 lift station
design is still in progress, Larry Comer sent some possible grant applications
for the City to look at, and the City is in process of starting the design
process for Hayden Elementary.
Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (HLRWSD) – Dave Weinstein
talked about the capital improvement plan that is being updated for the HLRWD.
Kootenai County - no report
SEP Fund
Ken Windram (see enclosed
paperwork) discussed the original SEP Fund and the communications with the Idaho
Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ).
Discussion occurred and Ken Windram will go back with discussion to IDEQ.
Approval for SRSP Coordination and
Facilitation/Memorandum of Agreement Amendment
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Dave Weinstein, to approve the signing the amendment
for $ 10,000.00 additional expense for SRSP coordination.
Motion Carried.
Approval Wells Fargo Bank Construction Savings to
Public Funds CD’s
Approval of Investment Resolution
Stephanie Oliver presented
the Wells Fargo estimates on laddering investment options with our funds.
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, to approve Resolution 2011-2 authorizing the
Office Manager/Administrator to invest HARSB funds.
Motion Carried.
Clarifier #4 Painting Status Update
Ken Windram presented the
update from the Clarifier No. #4 meeting see enclosed presentation.
Replacement Fund Report
Ken Windram presented
updated information regarding the replacement fund.
Status Report of Issues on Joint Powers Agreement
Ken Windram and Nancy
Stricklin discussed the Chairmanship of the Board and that it is not an
automatic rotation, but is set up by election in January.
Approval for Change of Staff Position
Ken Windram presented a
requested change of title for a staff person as Wastewater/Collection Technician
Operator. This is not an added
position- it is currently changing a position title to indicate the
instrumentation knowledge.
Discussion occurred regarding what the Board would like to see prior to creating
this position; the staff will be bringing this back next month.
Nomination for Idaho Chapter of PRIMA
Ken Windram presented the
information, and the Board decided to go with the nominee that was presented.
Approval to Surplus Berm Dirt Pile, with Staff
Help as Needed
It was moved by Stefan
Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, that we surplus the berm dirt pile.
Motion Carried.
Approval for Headwork Influent Screen Repair
It was moved by Ron
McIntire, and seconded by Dan Green, to approve the Headwork’s Influent Screen
repair costs of up to $7,000.00.
Motion Carried.
Moved to adjourn meeting by
Stefan Chatwin, and seconded by Dan Green, at 2:49 p.m... Motion carried.
Kenneth Sewell, Chairman
Stephanie Oliver, Secretary