August 15, 2013


The Regular Meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on August 15, 2013, in the City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


Present:           Daniel Green, Ron McIntire, Carole Stringer   


Absent:            Stefan Chatwin, Todd Walker     


Also Present:   Ken Windram, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Administrator; Stephanie
Oliver, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Secretary; Nancy Stricklin, Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board-Attorney; Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering; Sean Hoisington, City of Hayden-Public Works Director


The meeting was called to order by Dan Green, Chairman at 3:04 p.m... 


There were no additions or corrections to the printed agenda.


Roll Call was then taken:

City of Hayden- present

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- present

            Kootenai County- present


Public Budget Hearing


Public Budget Hearing was opened at 3:04 p.m. for the consideration of Amendment to the approved budget for the fiscal period of October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.


Stephanie Oliver give an overview on why we needed to reopen the fiscal period of October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 budget.  We have additional Non-Operating Contributed Capital revenue coming in for the BNR Design Improvements that were not originally budgeted for.


The 2012-2013 amended budgets presented:  $ 1,711,538.00 for O & M, $ 400,000.00 for Replacement, and $ 4,904,331.00 for Capital/Construction improvements. 


No public comment was presented.


The public hearing comment period was closed at 3:07 pm.


It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Carole Stringer, to adopt the amended fiscal 2012-2013 budget as proposed.

Roll call vote taken:

            City of Hayden- Ron McIntire- Yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer- Carole Stringer- Yes

            Kootenai County- Dan Green- Yes

Motion Carried.


Consent Calendar



Ken Windram brought it to the attention of the Board that the percentage completion number was made in error and should read sixty percent (60%) instead of ninety percent (90%).



Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering, informed the Board that they are moving forward with the design and expect to be at ninety percent (90%) completion by the end of August or first of September. 




Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering, informed the Board that they are moving forward with the design and expect to be at ninety percent (90%) sixty percent (60%) completion by the end of August or first of September. (Correction made at August 15, 2013 meeting)


It was moved by Carole Stringer, and seconded by Ron McIntire, to accept the Consent Calendar as presented and/or amended:  Approval and Amendment of the July 18, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes; Approval of July General and Construction Financial Reports; Approval of the Bills: General, Construction, and replacement.   

Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden- Ron McIntire- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Carole Stringer- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes

Motion Carried.



Engineer’s Reports


Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering, presented the Board with a synopsis of what the engineering staff goes through during the design meetings every Tuesday, see enclosed presentation.  He informed the Board that the next design contractor pre-bid meeting will be September 12 at 9:00am, at approximately sixty percent (60%) completion.  This is in advance of what they had forecasted with the initial engineering design schedule.  Discussion occurred on the Property Transfer from the City of Hayden to HARSB, and when this needs to happen prior to construction and Nancy Stricklin will put together the information that is needed.  He also discussed with the Board the extra material located on the City of Hayden property, and who would need to move the material.


Ken Windram reminded everyone that the Coverall building is being excluded from the SRF funding.


Ken Windram talked with Mike Gridley from the City of Coeur d’Alene regarding the Railroad property along the Spokane River.  He asked how much we would be willing to help purchase the property in lieu of going down Seltice Way.  The Board is interested in pursuing the pipe in the ground along the railroad property from Atlas Road to Huetter Road, as a point of reference if we go down Seltice just the concrete replacement would be $300,000.  The Boards main point would be securing the written easement from Coeur d’Alene, and discussion occurred on how much we can help them purchase it.


Administrative Reports


Ken Windram gave his Administrative report, which is attached hereto.


Ken Windram reviewed his report, and discussed the draft NPDES permit.  The Board will send comments to the EPA, at this time we do not anticipate speaking at the public comment.  A Bullet point form will be sent to the entities for members to send in letters to EPA.


     Ken Windram informed the Board that we had our EPA Inspection of the Facility, and DEQ inspection of the Reuse Farm, no issues or findings were found.


Ken Windram gave Shirley Carter’s, Chief Operator report, which is attached hereto.



Entity Reports


City of Hayden – Sean Hoisington discussed that the New H1 lift station is completely online, and working thru a few issues of the station controllers.  The Hayden Elementary Lift Station Bypass is nearing its end with the lift station being turned into a manhole.  FCS group will be conducting a rate study for the City of Hayden.


Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (HLRWSD) – The District is still looking at alternatives to Canterbury Cove Lift Station.


Kootenai County – no report



SEP Fund


Ken Windram reported no change at this time. 



Discussion and Approval of Proposed Budget 2013-2014 for Publication and Public Hearing


Ken Windram and Stephanie Oliver discussed the proposed budget for the 2013-2014 budget year, and adjustments made from the budget presented last month; see enclosed proposed budget.  We have received written information from all the entities, approving the budget for 2013-2014.  .  It was moved by Carole Stringer, and seconded by Ron McIntire, to approve the presented budget.

Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden- Ron McIntire- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Carole Stringer- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- yes

Motion Carried.


The Board decided by public hearing will be held September 19, 2013 at 3:00 p.m...



Award Bid and Approval of Tractor with Loader Purchase


Nancy Stricklin directed this item back to the formal bid process, due to the items being over $50,000.  The NJPA (National Joint Powers Agreement) is not legal in Idaho, and cannot be used.

Discussion occurred on changing items on the bid, or going through the formal bid process.



Discussion on Joint Powers Agreement Workshop


The Board will be holding a Joint Powers Agreement Workshop on August 22, 2013 and one member will represent each entity in the workshop.  It was decided to not have the attorneys attend this meeting. 





Meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m...






Daniel H. Green, Chairman                                                    Stephanie Oliver, Secretary