September 19, 2013


The Regular Meeting of the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board was held on September 19, 2013, in the City of Hayden Council Chambers at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.


The meeting was called to order by Todd Walker, Vice-Chairman at 3:01 p.m... 


There were no additions or corrections to the printed agenda.


Roll Call was then taken:

City of Hayden- present

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- present

            Kootenai County- present by telephone during a portion of the meeting


Public Budget Hearing


Public Budget Hearing was opened at 3:04 p.m. for the consideration of yearly budget for the fiscal period of October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014.


Ken Windram asked the Board if they would like to see the budget presentation that was presented at each of the entity meetings, the Board decided not to since everyone had already seen it.


No public comment was presented.


The public hearing comment period was closed at 3:06 pm.


Dan Green joined the meeting via telephone conference call at 3:07 p.m.…



It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to approve Resolution 2013-4 for the Budget year of 2013-2014 and appropriate the following funds:  O & M Budget of $1,831,332; Replacement of $1,479,796; and Construction of $8,304,282 for a total of 11,615,410.

Roll call vote taken:

            City of Hayden- Ron McIntire- Yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer- Todd Walker- Yes

            Kootenai County- Dan Green- Yes

Motion Carried.


Approval of Land Sale or Exchange Agreement between HARSB and City of Hayden


Nancy Stricklin explained the Land Sale or Exchange Agreement and how this needs to occur between the public entities, see enclosed items.


It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to approve the Land Sale or Exchange Agreement between HARSB and the City of Hayden as well as the notification the public hearing.

Roll call vote taken:

            City of Hayden- Ron McIntire- Yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer- Todd Walker- Yes

            Kootenai County- Dan Green- Yes

Motion Carried.


Dan Green left meeting at 3:10 p.m.


Consent Calendar



It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to accept the Consent Calendar as presented and/or amended:  correction of August 15, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes, change word ‘announced’ to ‘opened’ in public hearing minutes; Approval of August 22, 2013 Workshop Meeting; Approval of August General and Construction Financial Reports; Approval of the Bills: General, Construction, and Replacement.   

Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden- Ron McIntire- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- absent

Motion Carried.



Engineer’s Reports


Paul Klatt, J-U-B Engineering, gave an update on the NPDES Draft workshop meeting and public hearing held August 28, 2013.  The workshop meetings had several people in attendance, but no public comments were presented during the public hearing.  The comment period was delayed until October 3, 2013.  They expect permit approval delayed a couple of months, due to having a problem with a small part of the Idaho State Anti-degradation Rule that EPA has not accepted which is part of our permits.  This problem is anticipated to be taken care of at the start of the January legislative session.


Paul also discussed with the Board the design contractor pre-bid meeting held on September 12 with sixty percent (60%) completion in which Idaho DEQ also attended.  There was a lot of great interaction, and ideas which would address comments and concerns prior to the bid spec going out.  We are still looking at being ready for bidding the 1st of January, with a final draft review construction design set being ready at the end of November, 1st of December.


Ken Windram indicated no change in the Huetter Outfall information.


Administrative Reports


Ken Windram gave his Administrative report, which is attached hereto.


Ken Windram reviewed his report, and discussed the Bio-solids Conference he attended in September, see his report.  He expects a draft agreement from Boulder Park, King County for the Board to review and approve, they would accept sludge on a part time or occasional basis.


     Shirley Carter gave her Chief Operator’s report, which is attached hereto.


Entity Reports


City of Hayden – Sean Hoisington discussed New H1 lift station and the final steps left on construction.  The Hayden Elementary Lift Station Bypass is also completed. 


Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District (HLRWSD) – The District is still looking at alternatives to Canterbury Cove Lift Station, and getting some easements into place.


Kootenai County – no report



SEP Fund


Ken Windram reported no change at this time. 



Approval to Move Material from City Property to Reuse Farm


Ken Windram presented a proposal for removing material from the City property to the Reuse Farm, see enclosed information.  It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to approve the presented expenditure not to exceed $9,600.00

Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden- Ron McIntire- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- absent

Motion Carried.


Approval of SRSP (Spokane River Stewardship Partners) Agreement


Ken Windram gave the new funding agreement to the Board, Nancy Stricklin has reviewed it.  It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to approve the presented SRSP funding agreement and exhibit for $5,665.00.

Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden- Ron McIntire- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- absent

Motion Carried.


Discussion and/or Approval for Remaining Balance O & M funds to be returned to entities or placed into Replacement Fund


Ken Windram and Stephanie Oliver discussed the enclosed estimate of funds, if books closed today with no further bills, available to be placed in replacement or returned to the entities at the end of the year.  The enclosed sheet was discussed, and Ken asked the Board to put the funds into Replacement. It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to return the remaining funds from the 2012-2013 Budget to the entities.

Roll call vote taken:

City of Hayden- Ron McIntire- yes

            Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District- Todd Walker- yes

            Kootenai County- Commissioner Daniel Green- absent

Motion Carried.



Discussion on Composting Proposal Option


Ken Windram presented the proposal sent to us from Organic Resource Company; this proposal started with Lighthouse Dressings looking at setting this up with Sandpoint Wastewater Treatment and then changed to what is presented.  The Board is interested in pursuing this further and would like more in depth information for consideration. Questions arising in the discussion were regarding: smell; return on investments; Idaho Department of Environmental Quality permitting; do the bio-solids need to be Class A; what is in this for HARSB; what do we have to put forward financially; who would market and sell the compost; etc.?


Approval of NPDES Comment Letter


Ken Windram presented a draft of the NPDES Comment letter from HARSB.  Discussion occurred regarding a statement presented on page 1, and it was determined that we will leave the sentence discussing the rate payers out of the comment letter. It was moved by Ron McIntire, and seconded by Todd Walker, to approve the present NPDES Comment letter with the revised language, and minor changes that need to be made with the table additions that are coming from Gary Allen, attorney. Motion Carried.



Meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m...






Todd Walker, Vice-Chairman                                                             Stephanie Oliver, Secretary