Harsb LogoHayden Area
Regional Sewer Board


Member Entities: City of Hayden, Hayden Lake Sewer District, & Kootenai County Airport

a joint powers agreement entity pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2328


Treatment Facility History

In 1984, the original joint powers agreement to start the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board (HARSB) was signed by Kootenai County, City of Hayden, and the Hayden Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District.  The facility building projects started and soon we had the Honeysuckle regional interceptor, three lift stations and a community drain field.

In 1986, a new joint powers agreement took the place of the one developed and signed in 1984.  The signing entities were the City of Hayden and the Hayden Lake Recreation Water and Sewer District.  Under this new joint powers agreement the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant was begun. Exhibit A, B & C 1986

In 1991, an amendment to the 1986 joint power agreement occurred and the Kootenai County Airport  joined HARSB.

In May 2015, the second amended joint powers agreement was signed.

In July 2019, the third amended joint powers agreement was signed.

In April 2020, the fourth amended joint powers agreement was signed.Final Signed 4th JPA.pdf

Wastewater management is currently provided by HARSB for the City of Hayden, the City of Hayden Lake and other areas under the Hayden Lake Sewer District, and the Kootenai County Airport.

Existing wastewater treatment facilities are constantly being upgraded to meet the demand caused by the impact of increased population and governmental requirements.  HARSB and the entities also oversee the maintenance of 30 lift stations and approximately 97.77 miles (City of Hayden 53.77 miles, Hayden Lake Sewer District 18 miles, HARSB pressure/outfall lines 26 miles) of sewer lines

See the following list of Chronological facility projects, more information is available by clicking the highlighted/underlined projects: